
Showing posts from June, 2017

Team GB quiz - Round 1

With the sprint qualifier kicking off this afternoon we have a quiz to learn some fun facts about the Team GB and keep you entertained between races. The first round includes a team trivia, pointless orienteering and orienteer or premier league footballer.  Thanks to Murray and Tessa Strain for the pointless orienteering and orienteer or premier league football rounds.  Keep a look out for answers and the second round of the quiz posted later in the week. Team Trivia 1    1.  What did Graham Gristwood study at university and where? 2.      What is Alice Leake’s home region? 3.      What is the name of Jess Tullie’s dog? 4.      Which countries has Ralph Street lived in? (Hint: 4) 5.      Who is the tallest member of Team GB? 6.      When did Team GB last win a WOC medal? (points for name, position and location) 7.      Who has brought t...


The response to our Fund Raising campaign has been overwhelming and it is hard to show our full appreciation.  The races are about to begin and with such strong support behind us we are looking forward to taking on what Estonia has to throw at us.  A special thanks must go to the Orienteering Foundation for their support and enabling this to happen, thank you. THANK YOU VIDEO “Go Team Gb!” “ Bon appetit! We're right behind you. Xxx” “ We'll be following from afar and with you in spirit. E, P & S” “ In the wise words of GB Legend Jon Duncan. Go hard or go home.” “ Good luck” “ Good luck Team GBR. Go and win some medals!!” “ Enjoy Estonia, we did” “ Have fun and run well.” “ Good luck to all the team” “ Good luck! This is your time Hollie!” “ Keep it fast and easy!” “ May the trail rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face And you find the right orienteering track. Enjoy the experience an...

Tapering with Peter

One week to World Champs (by Peter) It’s now just one week until the first race at WOC, the Sprint Qualifier, and all the athletes will be in their ‘taper phase’ of training. This is really just a fancy name for reducing our training and resting up, but it’s a period which, for some of us, can feel quite uncomfortable. We’re familiar with doing hard training weeks, but less experienced when it comes to planning to do not very much! Tapering: harder than it looks I still feel like I’m learning more about how best to taper and prepare in the final weeks before big races, but here are some of the things I’m doing this year. The volume of my training is reduced, but the intensity (effort or speed) of my hard sessions should stay the same. This last week, I ran about 30 miles less than normal, but have kept my normal two track interval sessions in there albeit with fewer repetitions. Now isn’t the time to try and break any records in training, and I don’t...